It may have been the legendary Libuše who determined the hillock of Castle district as a place for construction of the future Prague Castle, but it as well may have been the prince Bořivoj or any other member of the Premislid house; the choice was by all means wise. It could not be actually better.

A thousand years ago, a deputation of the caliph of Cordoba walked peregrinated through these lands. The retinue was accompanied, among others, by Abraham ben Jacob who described everything he saw, heard and experienced during the journey. We do not know how he got here; it certainly was not by an express train or by the Segway, a horse is much more likely. And it was not without restraints, for he was complaining about impenetrability of the roads.

In August, we wanted to take our Segways and go somewhere out of Prague and we pinpointed Southern Bohemia as our target.
Of course, we visited the beautiful city of Český Krumlov, which is a main tourist destination, although the Zavis cross is located elsewhere. Somewhat apart from the tourism as we know it from Prague of Český Krumlov lays a small beautiful town of Vyšší Brod, which has a Cistercian abbey found in 1252.

If you are planning a trip to Prague, you have maybe the last chance in this summer to explore Prague and to let you show Prague important relics by this funny form. If you choose the longest ride from the offer, you will spend 3 hours segway tour on Segway in the streets of Prague, you will pass 10 to 15 km and will see almost everything important and interesting what you can see in Prague.

During your quiet Segway ride under the Powder Tower on your Prague Segway Tour, your private guide will be ready to recount you everything important about this gem. Usually in Prague, while standing on Segway, people yearn to drive further and rather wonder where their Segway trip will bring them, you can also learn about this monument a little more here.

by Prague Segway Tours
Until recently, the popularity of Segway has been somewhat dampened by the enormous expectations placed on it, back in 2001 (initial launch). What was once called "IT" or "Ginger," before its actual debut name-Segway, the Segway PT expected to revolutionize the way people travel, forcing city planners to incorporate this new technology into their urban plans. In fact, Dan Fletcher with Time.com named it one of the 50 worst inventions.

There is not indeed a memorable and significant building throughout Prague that we can on your Prague Segway tour show you, except the Prague Castle Old Town Hall before.

Does Segway cope with the Prague pavement? Of course yes! Better than your feet. During our three-hour ride with Prague Segway Tours iSegway we found several types of stone paving and Segway comfortably mastered each of them. It should be noted that an older cobblestones need to ride slowly - maximum walking speed.

Ever wonder about the history of Segway? Specifically, who invented it, what year, how did it get its name? Many Segway enthusiast and tourists often ask the same question repeatedly, so Prague Segway and Segway of Prague (iSegway.cz) will shed some light on the history of Segway PT.